Thursday, January 19, 2012

Last Day in Jakarta , January! :')

Yay. Tomorrow the day i've been waiting for coming. I can't describe how happy i am right now. Like, Huh your homesick will be cured. I'll meet dad, mom, and brothers aaaaand friends. I just finished packing my stuff. Uhmm..i don't bring too much goods, rethinking that i have a lot of shirts at home. Hehehe.
Before deciding to bring a little bit, i had a wish that me going to bring my back pack. Hehehe, my brother said i'll do it wrong. Okay okay , because of the one month holiday thingy i should bring more! Deal.
Today,i've so much fun with friends Rio, Lily, and Ellis at one mal in Jakarta. We watched Paranormal Activity 3. It scaried me out. Seriously. Not because the ghost physically, but the way it came and make my heart like BOOM! I screamed,really don't care what other thought about me. I just were screaming.
By the way, thank you guys for today. You know today was my last day here, and you just made my day. I'm gonna miss you all :')
Okay, this is my last post in Jakarta,January! The next day,i'll post at home. :D So happy. Yippieeee.
For my friends here, see you guys in February. Looks like we'll spend Valentine day together. It's gonna be cute,eh?
For my friends there, i'm comiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing !! :D

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