Thursday, August 16, 2018


we're not in a movie
we're unable to peek the script
..if there is one

whatever happens next
we will never know until it happens

i keep my self present
i am not hiding anything

the faintest voice inside my body
ask me to runaway as fast as i can

the magnetic field is so strong
i'd tried to back off
but you came closer every time
there was a big space and distance
i know you can feel the absence too

playing game is not my thing
i've said that it's not my job to make you
come clean

i'm sad that you still hide it until today
i appreciate you and i respect you

i do

but there's a biggest line between
secrecy and privacy..

i hope you are more honest
so you and i can set the boundaries
or even never set a scene at all

because now
it's so grey
and i cannot lift the sins

bruises everywhere
honesty and love are rare in this generation..

i can't set my step any further
i wish i can.
but i know it feels so wrong
i don't want to hurt anyone
i have a heart too and so do others

do you?

or do you like me this way?
making me feeling guilty all the time towards this sentiment and become your side dish?

i am not an option
i am not your "sometimes"
i am not your "just in case.."

though i still wanna share
a lot of things with you..

funny how universe works this way
keep giving me answers i never thought i'd need..

and i still wanna hear it from you
and not like this..

Thursday, August 09, 2018

Sunrise and Sunset

she talks to the morning sky that
he's strong
he's powerful
he's fiery
he's energetic
he's the 6 am
that's him
the sunrise
her sunrise.

he talks to the afternoon sky that
she's vulnerable
she's lovely
she's calm
she's shy
she's the 6 pm
that's her
the sunset
his sunset.

but that was just a speck of dreams
behind a layer of a gate to different universe
different galaxy

he is waiting for her to show up
she is waiting for him to show up
they are both waiting
on different point of the compass

they're both waiting and thinking
they're just gonna waste it


sunrise to sunset
sunset to sunrise
been on the loop

but it never came..

it's never gonna happen
until the sand inside the hourglass will stop
until the hourglass has no sound of running sand

they are running out of time
blowing up all the chances

and regret..
regret has been waiting
and giggling in the next door
ready to say hello and throw a party

for the dawn and the dusk..

Thursday, August 02, 2018

Red Flags

Okay, we know this is not a new word. I want to talk about this.

Red Flags. 
It's a danger signs. Sign to show us that something is no good, threatening, and we need to stop there. No more one step forward. Stop. S T O P.

Speaking about Red Flags, it's not only happen in romantic relationship, but also in other types of connections - friendship, family, colleague, school. Anywhere.

Okay, I am gonna narrow this to relationship, but it's pretty much has the same concept.

Have you ever liked someone that you got blinded by their wrong doings and took it as an OK?
An OKAY but you know your gut is trembling and uncomfortable. Deep down, you know it's NOT okay. But you say, "Ah, it's only that. They can change." or something denial like, "Ah, that's not how they are. It's impossible. They are a good person. They love me. Blablabla" Deep down, you know you just made it okay to you.
I found that one of "common" red flag is when someone you are talking to, they never post about their circle, life with friends, or even family. NOT EVEN ONCE. They usually just post some cryptic photos, or not really interesting posts. To top that, you've been talking to this person for years. 
In this virtual worlds and not even once they share about it?!
Speaking about privacy and things, it's okay, that's a different matter. But you should put an alarm when there was never another body (no head/face shown) on their photos. And they post regularly. Like.. do you even have life?

All these years, the person actually have a significant other. I could tell they're in a long term one already. I was blown off by how well this person hide it. But I was more blown off about how this person's SO let this person never share anything about them. Sure their family know about them. The thing is, this person's SO have a regular post about them and not even once this person have interaction with the post. 

Social media is free. If the account is not locked, it's not invasive, right?

The other thing is... dun dun dun dun
This person definitely is talking to a lot of chicks. HAHA
I am pretty sure this person's SO doesn't even know. I mean if this person's SO put that much trust to that kind of person.. kinda dumb, I think. Moreover, they are in a Long Distance Relationship. If this person's SO care about their relationship, she'd keep an eye to the posts that got an unusual interaction (in a ... hmm how to explain this, you can feel the closeness of the commenter and the poster).

Or are they in an open relationship?
I could say no firmly. Why? Hmm, it's too harsh to explain this here.

When you're interested with someone, it's better to check out their pattern. Not in stalking way. Just them posting regular posts and you keep in mind what kinda persona they want to show to the world. If you're smart enough, you'll get it. You know, pattern never lies.

Do you wanna know what other pattern I catch?
The way they untagged photos of them when their SO post about their togetherness. *yeet*
If someone tag you in a photo, the tag of your name will be still shown in the original photo even though you've untagged your social media handle.
I think universe got my back. As always.

It's funny.

If not scared, why would they untag it like it's not something worth to share? It's kind of disrespectful to the SO, I think. It's not only happen once. So yeah. It's became a habit. Red flag.

I ain't even assume anymore, this person is scared that the persona they created will be ruined. The persona as a single person (who is actually taken..and in a long term relationship) and getting their ego strokes by different chicks. Worse.

It's kind of ridiculous to think that this person is in LDR mode, and still looking for chicks who are not in the same area with where they live. What are you looking for? Oh yeah, I forgot, as said...ego strokes.
When you like someone, anything about them you see with your hearty eyes is amazing and lovable. Excuses. You don’t see red flags through rose tinted glasses. They all become pink flags. 
Not setting boundaries is harmful. So harmful.
Don't let this kind of person fool you just because you like them so much. 
Maybe you'll get to think, "Ah this is not they are. They can change.
It's okay to think this way.. ONCE. But if it's becoming repetitive and you are still in denial but kind of knowing that you're right too (listen to your gut feeling!), I think it's okay to let go.
Well, let's remember this:

Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
And no, you can't change someone.

Wednesday, August 01, 2018


i can’t spend the rest of my life chasing you around
i am not even sure why i bother trying so hard
i cannot make the sun rise when i want it too
so that i can feel the warm sun on my icy heart

you're so good at blurring the line that
you've crossed
slowly undulating like waves to the shoreline
a light breeze flowing through your letters
seagulls trying to carry them away

the waves wash my feet to teleport me to reality

can you feel the sea breeze?

oh poor soul,
she thought it was gonna be just a phase



Blank Stare Kaoani Blank Stare Kaoani