Sunday, March 31, 2013

Film : Tampan Tailor

I'm SUPER in love with Vino G. Bastian in this movie since I never got excited for Vino previous movies because I don't like his style and his gesture. And I don't like his hair. He's so metrosexual man, 'yesterday'!

But NOW!! He gets a star from me! Wait, from who?! ^^

In this film,He's a good husband and father. He does anything to survive after his little business collapse. He lost everything he had.

He has faith and commitment. He has Bintang, his 7 year-old kid to live.

You can watch the trailer :

This film is so fulfill of love. I prefer it than MADRE. Honestly! Some scene made me tear, especially any scene of Vino and Bintang.

Vino play so total for this, I think. This is his best role for him. Comparing to Madre, hmm Madre is more like a just entertaining movie, not so serious, got a plus for visual to me and more go with the flow.

But Tampan Tailor?! Full of love. So touchy. Visual is so good too.Natural. It took condition of middle class society who struggle with love. MUST watch!!

Why TAMPAN TAILOR? In Bahasa, Tampan means Handsome. Hmm..but actually it stands for Tami & Topan. Tami is his wife, Topan is himself. Their kid, Bintang is so cute!

Vino, yesterday in Madre, he's an artisan. Here, he acts as Tailor. Guess, he must be already good enough for those! Whoah.

I do love Prita (Marsha Timothy) here. No need so much make up and wardrobe, she's so stylish, simple yet beautiful.

Yesterday, I went to movie alone but 3 hours ago I went with Kak Putri. I must say yes because I have nothing to do alone in my Kost. Saturday Night. Someone else, someday ask to have a walk on Saturday night :p

And look what I'll show you, my favorite when I'm a kid :

Give 3 (1-5 stars) to Tampan Tailor!! Woohoo.

Guess, I think he's another Reza Rahardian now! I mean it's VINO time!

Life is like a spinning wheel.

Friday, March 29, 2013

MADRE, Tansen and Tan de Bakker

Today I went to theater and watched Madre without friends. It was really nice watch alone and had Me-Time.

Madre the movie adapted by Madre, a novelet authored by Dewi 'Dee' Lestari. I bought this book in early 2012.

I love every single what she's written. It's not so ordinary. You always find and have untold reason why she's become your favorite writer. All books and songs she wrote are MAGIC! So deep yet it's not like common romantic. It's romantic in different way. Touch your heart and you can feel it and then..drawning. It poured with science. hm.

What is Madre? Madre (Spanish) is Mother. In this movie, Madre is a kind of sourdough. It made by Tan Sie Gie, Tansen's grandfather. It has not touched by anyone after maker passed by. And in his testament, he wants his grand children living Madre and Tan de Bakker again.

What is Tan de Bakker? It's their bakery name. So popular in 1960s and left behind after that time because so many new bakery develop with modern machine in their kitchen. For this film, an old building at Braga Street, Bandung was reused and made just like old bakery. Old bakery from 60s. :)

Who is Tansen? Tansen roled by Vino G. Bastian. Like I already said, he is a grandchild of Madre maker. His mother passed by after giving birth to him, her daddy left when he was 7 years old, lived with Uwak who ex worker in Tan de Bakker. After Uwak passed by, Tansen live freely with wave. He's a surfer, design freelancer and blogger! For this film, his site was built as SANG PENCARI OMBAK.

What's next? You want to know what's next? He fell in love with Mei (Laura Basuki), his blog fan and very interest to buy unsell-Madre. And then...

NEXT?! Haiyaaa..

Go watch it- lah! :p

  • Laura Basuki is so beautiful. I adore her. Simple, sweet, and feminine. I love all her wardrobe in this movie!
  • Vino's hair, it's so unnatural. Just like, Ok fine, Let's have a wig. Hmm.

Overall, this film so entertaining included Mr.Hadi (Didi Petet) with his 'He eh?!' He's so funny in this film.

0 - 5 stars. Give 2,6!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Give Me One Smile

So hot but end with rain.. but so bright again. No matter what, I like today.

In this post, I'll tell you about what I like for today. Tell you with picture :)

This necklace reminds me of someone who ever being the best in my life.

Todaaaaay, I worked with that stuff. Who says girl can't control that things? Fyi, I'm an engineering student :p . Civil Engineering.

After struggling with hard stuff! So tired. My body ughh smelly..ehmm not good.

So, this is me and friends after cleaning my face. Hope you find the differences :p 

Here the story goes, after took a bath, I took my A3 drawing book and colored pencil, and drew this. I won't finish it. I'm afraid it's gonna get worse...I'm happy with it.

This is the theme. In 2 days, It's easter day. How cute it is!

Photobooth lol

Good night.

Monday, March 25, 2013



Mood saya hari ini sedang baik di dalam diri. Tapi agak sensian sih kayak biasa di lingkungan, as Cancerian do. Most of all, gejolak dalam diri sendiri bagus semenjak tidur lumayan terkontrol. Ihiy. Butuh peningkatan.

Berpikir untuk membuat post tentang DIY atau Do It Yourself. Ada yang belum tahu apa itu? Ya, itu semacam membuat kerajinan tangan dengan mudah dan kita tertarik untuk membuatnya. Hehehe. Seru. Apalagi yang terbuat dari barang-barang bekas. Istilahnya sampah cantik :)

Sampah tetap sampah?! Woh salah besar, kalau sudah dikasih sentuhan seni dan dipercantik, malah bernilai jual tinggi. Malah indah dipandang mata. Di kamarku banyak yang aku bikin sendiri.

Lagi berpikir, mau bikin proyek DIY apa ya...

"Andre Hehanusa - Karena Kutahu Engkau Begitu"
Bila saat nanti kau milikku, kuyakin cintamu
Tak'kan terbagi, tak'kan berpaling
Karna kutahu engkau begitu
Karna kutahu engkau begitu

One of my favorite song. Jadul sih, tapi enak!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Melebur Beda

Suka sama yang umurnya jauh diatas atau dibawah kita? It's not a big problem.

Suka sama yang beda keyakinan? Itu susah.It's not easy. Memang. Mau gak mau harus berpikir untuk kedepannya sebelum memulai.

Untuk melebur menjadi satu yang memang dari dulu sudah tercipta berbeda itu susah. Saling mengerti dan saling memahami. Itu kuncinya. Biarpun mengucapkannya gampang kenyataannya tidak begitu.


Kalau sampai ada yang begini dan menikah-tua-meninggal dalam perbedaan, mereka pasti sudah benar-benar berkomitmen setia sampai mati didalam perbedaan. And it's sweet :)

"The Finest Tree - Melebur Beda"
Percaya dengan yang kau rasakan,
merasakan itu cinta 
Percaya kebaikan Tuhan 
Percayakan doa pada Tuhanmu 
Akupun mencoba dengan caraku...
Percaya dengan yang kau rasakan Merasakan itu cinta Percaya kebaikan Tuhan Percayakan doa pada Tuhanmu Akupun mencoba dengan caraku

salam kenal ya :)
Percaya dengan yang kau rasakan Merasakan itu cinta Percaya kebaikan Tuhan Percayakan doa pada Tuhanmu Akupun mencoba dengan caraku

salam kenal ya :)

Percaya dengan yang kau rasakan Merasakan itu cinta Percaya kebaikan Tuhan Percayakan doa pada Tuhanmu Akupun mencoba dengan caraku

salam kenal ya :)
Percaya dengan yang kau rasakan Merasakan itu cinta Percaya kebaikan Tuhan Percayakan doa pada Tuhanmu Akupun mencoba dengan caraku

salam kenal ya :)

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Forgettable Umbrella

Waiting for rain stopped to come home. Finally decided to come home with hmm still rain because sun has hidden, and I almost arrived at home I just remembered that I LITERALLY bring it on my bag. Me and my friend Irma got our outfit wet and we got little dizzy after. Zzz.

Oh my dearest pink umbrella...

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Insiden Anak Hilang

Kak Mia : Hera.. *mengetuk pintu* Hera, ngeganggu  ya?

Hera :  Iya kak bentar ya. *ngucek-ngucek mata, bangun, ngaca, buka pintu* Kenapa kak?
 Kak Mia : Ini ditelpon pak Haji.

Hera : *tanda tanya sambil ambil hp kak Mia*

Pak Haji : Oh Hera kamu kemana aja. Tadi papa kamu nelpon bapak, katanya hp kamu ada 3 nomor tapi gak aktif semua.

 Hera : *tepok jidat* OOOH iya pak haji. Ya ampun, Hera lupa ngecas Hp. *tersadar*

Oke semenjak jam 6 sore hp mati dan ditaruh di tas. Pulang ke kostan dengan keadaan kehujanan dan kemalaman menyebabkan pas buka pintu ya cari tempat tidur. Dan disaat itu juga baru sadar belum mengerjakan laporan praktek kayu yang harus dikirim sebelum jam 12 malam. Dan pas pak haji nelpon itu jam 9an lewat. WHAT! Belum contoh draft laporannya yang entah dimana, ketemu juga sih akhirnya. Tapi paniknya itu lho.


Langsung ngecas hp dan nelpon bapak. Yang angkat mama...

Ya, mereka khawatir. Gimana pula ya kalau kejadiannya tidak ada induk semang kostan ya. Mau nelpon siapa coba? Mungkin bapak mamak udah nyusul kesini. Tante juga ikut khawatir. Weleh.

Tidak pernah terduga bakalan kayak tadi paniknya. Beneran deh.

Well ini sebuah pelajaran. Tapi namanya capek dan kelupaan sih ya..blank!

Jangan membiarkan hp dalam keadaan tidak aktif dalam waktu yang lumayan lama dalam sehari. Itu mencurigakan. Iya, mencurigakan.

 Banyak yang mencarimu dan mengkhawatirkan dikala teleponnya bersuara, "Telpon yang anda tuju sedang tidak aktif atau sedang berada diluar jangkauan. Cobalah beberapa saat lagi.."

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Let's be honest

It hurts when people around you don't want to hear your thoughts when you're excited of something. They leave you hanging with your words and you sit there decreasing your voice volume till it back to normal. Pretend that nothing just happened. Back with the silent of you and pouring with their discussion with heartbreak.

If I were you, I'll ask you to say what you want to talk when someone already finished their story. I'll never leave anyone hanging with their words because.. Oh you hear them, there's something must be heard or shared...even though it's not for me. I'll ask just to remind my other friends that someone's story is pending.

For this case, please don't show your ignorance. Is it only you have the power to be heard? I exist either.

It hurts when you're excited but they don't give a single damn that day.

- H

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Whitening Night Cream

Oh hi, recently some of people I know especially girl already used whitening night cream. Oh of course they want white skin on their face. Everybody wants , me either. And I don't follow their way.

 I just let my face like this with some natural product.

Oriflame is good for me, it's so natural and fresh. *beep* It's not a payed advertising by the way :p

Ouch. Back again.
Bitch, please. You are teenager and under 35 years old. That thing made not for you. It's recommended for people above 35 years old. It's dangerous since it offers facial skin peeling

Well, it maybe give you what you want NOW but THEN? Hehehe please welcome the black spots when you get older and...that whitening night cream is addicted! You'll feel confident when you used it and you feel your face so pallid when you don't.

Oh come on, please read and get some info before you plan to use a product in a long term to get what you want. It helps you to decide the best for you. :)

You are beautiful without it. Simply put your smile and fresh your mind and soul.

If I Die no it's not related to the Whitening Night Cream haahahaha..I just like this song. Sam Tsui is such a cute guy. Here's his cover of The Band Perry's song.

You also can listen to his covers in youtube. Check it out!

 "If I Die Young - Sam Tsui"
If I die young, bury me in satin
Lay me down on a bed of roses
Sink me in the river at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song...


I know who I am. I know what I could do. I know. One of them is sleepless. Lack of sleep. I'm feeling pityful. I want my youth have a nice time, good sleep, good grades, and good social life. What?! Now choose two among good sleep - good grades - good social life. Or want just to have one of them. No, you can't have 3 of them. Hah!

Sleep + Social life = Bad grades. Good grades + Sleep = No social life. Good grades + Social life = No sleep.

I would like to choose the second one. Because..really, I'm a home person. Okay it doesn't mean I don't want social life, but It appears as 'I'm a home person, I know who my friends, I need my family, I want in a comfortable place and I can have smile, laugh and even tears in them. In a small group like that'.

These days, after studying in university and going home I catch my bed and sleep like for 8 hours. And then I woke up in the midnight and have no sleep till sunrise filled my room. Repeat. :|

I was feeling like a zombie because there are times I have no sleep at all. Rude. I don't want it. Never!
I've planned to sleep before 10 or 11 pm but it always comes after 2 am. May I die in peace now? Crazy.

I want to sleep. I want to have good sleep. 

One of my lecturer, Ms. Ririt has arrived in Jakarta and started to lecture again. And today her first day in my class. Yay, We get this as merchandise from Taiwan . It's so cute. Terimakasih Ibu :)

And here, back to old times. I can enclose with Lily again. We share our story and do communication by heart when there's a sweet-cute guy pass by. Hahaha It's true ^^

This is with Jati. I'm sure he's better with this look. Ya gak Jat? :D

And here I'm with the lovable Umi. Hihihi

Back at it again, I want my sleep!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Do you believe in something that you know you'll never catch? Formerly, I don't. But it was happened today.

You can pinch your skin to make it sure until it hurts. Until you feel the pain and realize that it's real.

It. just. happened.

You know,
What's the happiest moment beside you can laugh together and pour with someone you have attention at even though you've decided to not care anymore?

Is it awkward? Yes.

Is it nice? Yes.

It's nice. I can feel warmness in our laugh...

Back then, I should know who I am.  :)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Basking Area

These last days I spent so much time with Milo and Spikey. Milo already get active after I made a basking area in their home. Finally!

So, last night I thought I have to make one dry place for them. You know, I have no enough money to buy their things since....ah forget it. Hahaha.

Hm. I buy styrofoam for craft. Starting make it at 3 am because I can't sleep and see Milo uncomfortable with full water place. Get ready, I measured the aquarium and drew my planning basking area. So cover, 'stairs', and plate must be there. I design by myself and then applied to styrofoam that I already made line to cut off. How they can get connected? Hahaha I broke a tooth pick and push them to another styrofoam. Yay!

I try to fit the model to Milo and Spikey house. Exactly above the water.
Spikey feels so good after all.

Milo tries that area and then she went up.

The look.

After I put it , Milo and Spikey get there soon. How happy I am!

I want to tell you, this afternoon Spikey and Milo took a bath by me. I soaked them in salt warm water.It's good for their digest. Yep, they pooped so much after got clean. Good!

Spikey pooped on my finger. Meh.. hahaha

I put them out of their place and let them have walk around my room for 20 minutes with my guidance. :)

Today, I give them cheese. They like it too. But it's such a suplemen for them. I don't want them addict to that thing and I will give natural food. Ah yah, spikey attack one little fish and eat it. I let it. Sorry.

Why I always tell about Milo and Spikey? Simply because I love them. They are so adorable.


Sunday, March 10, 2013

Milo & Spikey

Hi, How are you all? I want to tell about Milo and Spikey. Hehehe since today is their second day at my room. Since I'm becoming their sister.

Hello, I'm Milo and Spikey's sissy

Wearing shorts. There are Milo and Spikey!
It looks like Spikey and Milo still need times to feel comfortable with their new home. I'll treat them the best I can. They're so cute. They're getting sleepy when I ask them to sleep by touching them and 'Go sleep baby'. Cute. I love them. 
This is the way they sleep last night after lullaby.

I still have no idea where to put them to sleep since I don't get any rocks to put on. So I put plastic spoon and they sleep well. :)

Today, I bring them go outside..playing under sun shine!

Milo & Spikey playing  

One of my fish died this morning. Last night I saw the yellow fish bite it. I fed them because I thought the yellow fish got hungry. Err, when I woke up, I saw that red fish has died :(

Well, beauty fish don't mean they are beauty in act.

I'm in front of my laptop. Milo looks so curios about what I'm playing of. I opened facebook, And aha!! I google 'tortoise' images and this is how Milo gave expression..

Milo looked at tortoise photos.

Journey : Jatinegara

Jadi, sore tadi saya dan kak Putri pergi ke Jatinegara naik Metromini 46. Tadi malam janjian pergi jam 10 pagi. Dengan ngaret yang super, kita berdua pergi jam 3 akhirnya. Hehe.

Ini kali pertama saya ke Jatinegara, tempat yang sering dibicarakan Anugrah. Wah, ada banyak pedagang dari berbagai jenis disana. Tapi jalan untuk pembelinya sempit, khusus di tempat penjual ikan,sih.

Saya beli 2 ekor kura-kura. Saya namai Milo Squirtle dan Spikey Pebble. Si Milo masih malu-malu. Kalau Spikey dia asik kesana kemari. Kalau dielus cangkangnya, dia langsung tenang. Hmm

Ada akuarium dan ikan-ikan kecil juga. Senang, akhirnya di kostan tidak kesepian.

Suara air akuarium itu menenangkan menurutku. Tapi bagaimana kalau listrik mati? Hm.

Karena kali pertama memelihara hewan ini, tadi minta bantuan kak Putri memasang mesin dan hiasan di akuriumnya. Thank you, kakakku. :)

Ikan - ikan lucu di ember

Menginginkan satu dari mereka tetapi belum waktunya

Suasana di tempat jualan ikan hias

Ini ikan apa tadi ya. Matanya gede, kayak Ozil.

Lucu sekali ikan berwarna kuning ini. 2 dari mereka sudah milikku. Dengan uang Rp 10000 bisa dapat 5 ikan ini.

Kak Putri lagi ketakutan pegang ikan dibawah foto ini! Hahaha

Angry Fish, I said. Hahaha dia akan gembung kalau dipegang, well..kalau dalam bahaya sih.

Spikey Pebble

Milo Squirtle

Akuarium Mini diatas meja belajar

Kak put, kau ninggalin ini untukku atau kau lupa bawa?

Bagi yang ingin beli peliharaan. Jatinegara tempatnya! Murah - murah.

Perlakukan binatang dengan baik, jangan takuti mereka. Mereka hidup tanpa kata. Perlakukan dengan hati. :)

Friday, March 08, 2013

Time Does Not Heal

Time does not heal all wounds, it reveals them.

Time is the master who heal spiritual pain but definitely not a master of problem solving.

Time may not heal all wounds, but tongues can go a long way towards licking them clean.

Time does not heal all wounds.

Time does not heal all wounds forgiveness does.

or Time may heal all wounds but not all scars.

Communication is key in every aspect of life! Nothing, not even time will heal these wounds. Together people will find ways to cope!



Thursday, March 07, 2013

Change? No?

It's quite abnormal to see what you don't want to see. When nobody wants to hold on. When nobody wants to feel.

But here they are. Some care, some ignore. Some love, some hate. Some hold, some throw.

Nowadays, I feel uncomfortable to listen 'promise' and 'secret'. It's already such a bullshit.

Isn't it nice when it is beautiful like these?

guess whose hands?

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

20 Most Played List

After I changed my phone external memory card, here's the most played songs. And yeah, here they are..the rest of my favorite song nowadays. They appear from the most!
  1. Magic - One Direction
  2. Hiding My Heart - Adele
  3. Lost - Michael Buble
  4. Jump then Fall - Taylor Swift
  5. Irresistible - One Direction
  6. Angel - Cody Simpson
  7. Beautiful - Carly Rae Jepsen ft Justin Bieber
  8. Haven't Met You Yet - Michael Buble
  9. Karena Kusanggup - Agnes Monica
  10. Breathe - Taylor Swift ft Colbie Caillat
  11. I Want It That Way - Backstreet Boys
  12. Takkan Terganti - Marcell
  13. Berhenti Berharap - Marcell
  14. Angel's Wings - Westlife
  15. Cintakan Membawamu Kembali - Mike
  16. Malaikat Juga Tau - Dewi Lestari
  17. Cinta Sejati - Bunga Citra Lestari
  18. Forever and Always - Taylro Swift
  19. Don't You Remember - Adele
  20. Dan - Sheila On 7
 Recently I really like Pentatonix. You should check them on youtube!

I let you know this video because this is my favorite. Hm, check Somebody I used to know too :)

Monday, March 04, 2013

Little Angel

Hai, malaikat kecilku. Apa kabar kamu disana? Apakah kamu sendirian?

Kamu pergi begitu cepatnya. Tidak sempat aku memelukmu, menggendongmu, menciummu dan bahkan melihat wajahmu waktu itu.

Disana kamu diurus siapa? Bagaimana rupamu kira-kira ya? Kata bapak, mirip aku. Pasti kamu lebih manis :)
 Adek, Apa kamu masih tertidur pulas? Ayo bangun. Sekarang kamu sudah berumur 8 tahun,lho. Sudah 8 tahun ini aku harusnya menjadi seorang kakak dari adik perempuan .

Dulu aku memang cemburu karena perhatian mamak, bapak, Made dan Arie semua tercurah ke kamu sewaktu dalam kandungan. Tetapi percayalah, aku menginginkanmu sejak aku kecil dan tidak punya teman bermain boneka. Aku juga terkadang iri melihat abang Made dan abang Arie yang kompak.

Kakak kan juga pengen punya saudara kandung yang berjenis kelamin sama.

Aku merindukan seorang adik perempuan yang kupikir akan bisa menjadi adik dan teman terbaikku.
Tetapi Tuhan berencana lain. Dia sudah menimangmu didalam kandungan mamak waktu itu.

Menimang adik kecilku yang sudah tertidur pulas dan tak pernah bangun lagi.

Tuhan menginginkanmu kembali sebelum kami mendengar suara tangisanmu.

Hey, biarpun aku tidak pernah melihatmu tetapi aku sangat menyayangimu. Selalu kusebut didalam doa agar berada di tempat yang nyaman dan diberikan kehangatan disana.

Be a good daughter for God.
I love you.
Tersenyumlah, karena kami disini sangat menyayangimu
dan sangat merindukanmu.

Selamat ulangtahun, sayang.

December 2004. You're in this photo, angel :)
Blank Stare Kaoani Blank Stare Kaoani