Wednesday, October 10, 2018


someday we could meet and talk about
the sweetness and bitterness
we had never had a chance to talk about

only if you're clean
not get tied to anyone
and i want to hear it from your own pretty lips
then i could speak blatantly about
what's been shaking the core of the fun
what's making me thinking this is not okay
what's making this is so unhealthy

i might have the courage to say it

i wish you could see it from my own shoes
i wish i could see it from yours
how it feels
how it makes me having sleepless nights
when i don't talk with you
how i get better sleeps while having anxiety when i know i enjoy this but
i also know this ain't right

i don't think i have the right
to say it this time
who the hell am i?

i think i've misunderstood
i think i've taken it too personal

someday, maybe.
we could talk about it
in person.
in a better state.
if the fates allow..

Blank Stare Kaoani Blank Stare Kaoani