Monday, September 24, 2018

Emotional Vampire

you're fear of intimacy.
you're fear of commitment.
you're fear of exposure.
you're fear of rejection.
you're fear someone will take off your mask.
you're also fear of abandonment.
you can't be all of it unless you're a emotional vampire.

all you want is to play mind games
and hurt people who genuinely adore you.
you've got a lot of supply.
by supply, i mean, your target to be manipulated.
your victims.

your main girl is either strong or stupid
for standing right next to you for years if
she knows what you've been doing
with all the girls.

she'd better run
or maybe she just chooses to stay
because fear of starting fresh
or wants what you already have.

you thought you're so secretive
you're an open book.
so easy to learn and read you..

you never know what you want.
you can't deal with facing your own shame.
you will never tell the truth.

you have huge egos.
gaslighting here and there.
you don't love anyone, including yourself.

good luck with that!

p.s. when will you ever learn?

Blank Stare Kaoani Blank Stare Kaoani