Wednesday, March 06, 2013

20 Most Played List

After I changed my phone external memory card, here's the most played songs. And yeah, here they are..the rest of my favorite song nowadays. They appear from the most!
  1. Magic - One Direction
  2. Hiding My Heart - Adele
  3. Lost - Michael Buble
  4. Jump then Fall - Taylor Swift
  5. Irresistible - One Direction
  6. Angel - Cody Simpson
  7. Beautiful - Carly Rae Jepsen ft Justin Bieber
  8. Haven't Met You Yet - Michael Buble
  9. Karena Kusanggup - Agnes Monica
  10. Breathe - Taylor Swift ft Colbie Caillat
  11. I Want It That Way - Backstreet Boys
  12. Takkan Terganti - Marcell
  13. Berhenti Berharap - Marcell
  14. Angel's Wings - Westlife
  15. Cintakan Membawamu Kembali - Mike
  16. Malaikat Juga Tau - Dewi Lestari
  17. Cinta Sejati - Bunga Citra Lestari
  18. Forever and Always - Taylro Swift
  19. Don't You Remember - Adele
  20. Dan - Sheila On 7
 Recently I really like Pentatonix. You should check them on youtube!

I let you know this video because this is my favorite. Hm, check Somebody I used to know too :)
Blank Stare Kaoani Blank Stare Kaoani