When your level went up, you obviously should get more energy. In university, where student spend their most of time, make a point for new people in our live. No matter how you accept them, it must be going through.
You want to pass, no chance to escape. It always in front of your eyes, actually. Willing or not, go through it. You’ll make new higher level.
Don’t forget about what people said. Bad or good. But don’t remember it all the time, primarily for bad. It leads you to go down.OFTEN. Manage yourself good and you’ll make it.
University – In case where I learn now – has meet me with bunch of people with variety of attitude. I still learn how to manage myself to not care what I should not give a damn. My head got heavier every time. When I woke up, they are always come first,”Why I make it alone?” in my head. Most of them are so careless. Think that they will get anything by their ego without do what they should do. Sometimes, I complain. But since an incident, I won’t do it again. They always have way to make me down.
My spirit just need to calm down.
Now, I ‘m careless.
I’m careless to survive..