I've never seen in real life someone catch fireflies and put them in the jar. So in the dark, they sparkle. Beautiful.
Forget the story line above. Because it happened when I don't know how firefly actually. How it looks like. When I'm about 14-16 years old, I found one insect in our bath room.
"Wait! What's that?" It lied on the bath room floor, it didn't fly. I took with my fingers, put it on my left hand. Now both my hands catch it. Shiny thing! I thought it was a cockroach but IT IS NOT!
I guess it get lost from his family. Hmm.
"Mooom..Mooom, what's this?" I ran and asked my mother. It smell weird. I looked its bottom side. There is green part. Ah, this must be made it has 'lamp'. "Wow! I've never seen you before." I spoke to that creature.
Mom didn't answer because she was cooking.
I felt bad because it didn't move. Still alive that time. I have no idea what I should do. Really!
I sat on the floor in back yard, kept looking on it. And realized it died.
Okay, I didn't know what creature it was but I feel so sad like...why died on my hand?
You know what? I didn't throw it away. I didn't bury it.
I took something on my room to keep it. Aha! I took red watch case. I put it there..till now.
I'll show you how it's in red case when I come home.
By the way, I love Owlcity with his first hit single in 2009 'Fireflies'. It's beautiful song. I have his 'Ocean Eyes' album too!
"Fireflies - Owlcity"