Why I post and wake this time? At 2 am? This is the problem. I might sleep on 9 o'clock effortless. The rest of my body still owned by midnight. I myself automatically wake up at time like this. What the...
Okay, it's nice to know that I still have time to sleep yet a little. I wished I could schedulized my activity and hope it works.
Today's the first day I wore a trouser. No jeans for today because the lecturer of a subject rather want like that. I went 'home' confidently. Some friends laught at me and one my friend of what we both wore today but I don't mind.
In my head, I said,"Hey, you need the warm up because tomorrow is really the day to wear this thingy. Hoho . And I feel comfort for tomorrow because I don't get myself tired and overthinking to bring other trouser to change it when it needs. A wasted!" And smile.
I eat keripik. Do you want? Hehehe
I got this from my backpack after holiday at home. Mommy put it there. Spicy but delicioussssss :)
Good night!