Thursday, June 30, 2011

My Best Words on June 29th

Yesterday was "that" day. Yep,the result day of my test. So afraid of getting hurt by the announcement. And it really happened.It should be announced at 7 p.m. I always checked them before the fixed time. I can open it!I can! First view i see was "TIDAK DITERIMA" or not accepted. I was shocked and 'die' for a while. I know why I didn't pass the test. I had done my test well. The problem now is i can't fill 1 chair on that university because they just accept 15 persons for Interior Architecture and 30 persons for Management. See? Even though you filled the paper well and really had done it well, no one could guarantee that you'll pass the test easily. Imagine that, last year there were 600 people who wanted to get into that faculty. How many percent?

The other problem came up. The hardest problem. My parents was disappointed. Just like.. angry to me. It made me cried over night. I cried after seeing my result but in the night I cried because my parents didn't understand me. On their mind, they thought I am useless, can not be directed, always make them disappointed. Dad, Mom, I'm so sorry if I never be what you want to be.I have hurted you so much. But please understand that I did my best. Maybe SNMPTN is not my way. Universe has a better way for me and us :')

And thanks to everyone that have given me support after that day. It's such meaning world to me. My friend, my namboru, my vanilli, and especially my brothers :) Thank you so much. I promise not to disappointed you twice.

 block 1 line below :)
p.s how about jakarta culinary center ? Look interesting.
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